Our tutors tailor their approach to teaching children with dyspraxia

Dyspraxia, also known as development co-ordination disorder (DCD), is a condition affecting physical co-ordination in children which may include fine and gross motor skills. This can cause clumsiness and can cause struggles with daily activities relative to other children of the same age. It can also be found along with other SEN such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD or ASC.

Learning may appear to be unhindered, but as soon as written requirements are present the student may struggle co-ordinating their pen or pencil, or may generally be slow in getting organised.

Secondary issues may include a lack of confidence due to their clumsiness, low self-esteem and trouble making friends.

Occupational therapists, educational psychologists and paediatricians should be able to help with diagnoses and practical assistance.

Some indications of dyspraxia:

Our tutors are made aware of this condition in their training and will look to adjust lessons accordingly in line with student’s specific needs, in line with the person-centred Bright Heart Approach.

How our specialist tutors approach students with dyspraxia

Our tutors pay careful attention to the learning environment for students with dyspraxia. This includes the angle of the desk and textbook and the height of the chair relative to the desk. If writing is hindering learning, a laptop may be used.

Structured tutoring sessions are provided to help with the student’s planning and organisation. Sessions include appropriate breaks. Our tutors understand that dyspraxia can affect self-esteem.

They therefore aim to build the student’s confidence in line with the Bright Heart Approach. For younger children, tutors can assist students with tasks which require fine motor skills. Tutors are patient and understanding with students who make take longer with certain tasks.